UC Ringmaster was inducted into the Connecticut Morgan Horse Hall of Fame last night the BigE, Springfield, MA.
Congrats, handsome!
UC Ringmaster is one of the University of Connecticut's Morgan stallions. Now pensioned at the age of 32, (wow!), Ringmaster is a TWO TIME World Champion. He sired many beautiful, talented and award-winning get.
I just love this charming and talkative guy. Such a deserved honor for such a charismatic gentleman.
(above is my 2007 portrait of him, it is usually found displayed in the UConn horsebarn arena, but was brought to the Big E for the ceremony, so cool!)
Go here to see pics of the induction ceremony:
copy and paste in your browser--then click on CT Morgan Horse Show, then Hall of Fame. Yes, that stallion is over 30 years old. He looks amazing! And, he's having the time of his life.