One eleven eleven! Happy New Year!

And it's LIST TIME!
musings about 2010:
1. My studio received a lot of great press in 2010. (yay! Yippeee! *cartwheels*)
2. Many of my paintings and drawings went to wonderful new homes--I can't even begin to tell you how much this gladdens my heart. Thank you all for your support.
3. I began the Big Project and it ignited a creative fire.... (So when are you going to tell everyone about this mysterious project, Helen??? SOON. The wheels are in motion....)
4. My husband and I celebrated 14 years of marriage in 2010. We were able to spend time on Cape Cod beach combing, eating award-winning clam chowder, shopping in P-Town and just enjoying each others company. I am so blessed to have such a sweet, kind and incredibly funny life partner. This man keeps me laughing day and night--I mean REALLY laughing--the tears streaming down the face tummy tumbling laughter. He also helps me at all of my art events--unloading, loading, cleaning up, driving to and from, etc etc. He's also a pro at the pep talk. Wow, do I love my husband. (Thank you, sweetheart.)
5. I purchased not one, but THREE, five foot by six foot canvases. Oh my, what to paint? It's gonna be colossal. Thanks to Dick Blick art supply for having such a great sale and enabling my desire to work REALLY big.
What does 2011 hold for this artist? I am crossing my fingers that a few things come to fruition, but more than that, I am working really hard to make them happen. Spare time? What's that? But really, I enjoy what I do and it doesn't seem like work at all.
The sun is shining, it's a New Year. I wish all of you a productive year full of dreams that really do come true...
Thank you again for all of your support. Onward to 2011!
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