Day three of cold...aaachooooooo!

...and my second day of takin' it easy in the reclining comfy chair, with laptop on my lap. Hey, that's why they call it a laptop. *groan* Go easy on me--I'm sick--pass the Kleenex!
This week I am putting the finishing touches on Phase One of the Big Project. Only a few people know what I am up to, and I appreciate their support. All will be revealed soon, I promise.
The Big Project is taking me on wonderful journeys, and I am only a few months into it. I've talked with some incredible people, been moved to tears, and met an amazing, heroic horse that stole my heart. I can't wait to share these experiences in detail. Believe me, I am chomping at the bit! Pun intended. *grin*
I know this is cryptic, but I would appreciate good wishes and lots of luck. I am very passionate about this project, and I am devoting most of my spare time to its development. Send french fries, too. They help a lot!
Eat lots of clementines, (vitamin C is good for you),
today's photo is of Skeeter, my studio assistant.
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