Sound The Bugle Studio

The studio journal of Sound the Bugle Studio, featuring the works of Helen Scanlon, Equine Artist. E-mail sales inquiries to:

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

An Artist's Journey, Part One

It all started when learned how to hold a pencil....

Once I discovered that I LOVED to draw, my parents couldn't keep up with my paper demands. Notepads, scribble books, etc all were used up in a matter of hours.

So what did I do when the Muse sang and I had no paper? Draw in my big brother's books! Yay!

Well, that really peeved my poor bro. He was 5 or 6 at the time, and when he came home from school, he would find his books in a heap on the floor with my clumsy scribbles decorating the margins.

Boy, did he get mad at me!

My brother wanted to set up an alarm system that sent a mild electric shock to his doorknob in order to keep me out of his room. My brother was a very smart and resourceful kid--he could do this.

Luckily, my mom intervened and said, "You will do no such thing." In turn, my mom bought me LOTS of paper.

So, my long suffering big brother finally got his reprieve from the paper crazed artist in residence.

My brother was then able to showcase his genius in other ways--like building a Jacob's Ladder (a real, dangerous one with real, dangerous electrical current) and a two story model barn made from popsicle sticks complete with stalls, hay loft and an assortment of animals.

Thanks, Bro, for not channeling a Jacob's Ladder to your bedroom doorknob. *ouch*

He rules.


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