Happy Birthday to me! featuring a work in progress...

Today's my b-day!
I have the whole day to paint and hang out with the kitties!
Above is a work-in-progress of the my studio namesake, Sound the Bugle. No reference photos were used for this portrait's composition-- just a peek at one photo to study the coloration on his face. I am relying on my memories of him and his wonderful and kind face.
This is an emotional portrait for me. Sound the Bugle, (barn name, Rooster) touched my heart very deeply. He was a groom's dream charge; never naughty, never in a bad mood. Always sweet and OH SO HAPPY! to see me. He had wonderfully perky ears and beautiful wide-open eyes. His face always told a tale of pure equine joy.
I wanted him to have a classic three-quarter profile portrait worthy of a Thoroughbred with a pedigree full of Champions. (Man o War, Whirlaway, Round Table).
Here's to you, Roo!
I still miss you, Old Friend.
Stay tuned for the final portrait.
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