Thank you!

Another wonderful Open Studio and Sale...
Thank you to everyone who came out, saw the art and added new pieces to their collections! Yippeee! I love it when my artwork goes to great homes.
It was hot and humid both days--Spring didn't stay long! Hello, Summer?!
And many thanks to budding equine artist and Lyman High School Senior, Ian, for helping me and painting with me. Watch this space for his Artist Debut announcement....He's really coming along with his art! Horses are not easy to draw, and he studies them diligently and works very hard--and it shows. He has mastered hooves. Wow. They are one of the hardest parts of a horse to get right. Color me impressed. It's so great to have such a hardworking and dedicated mentee! Well done, Ian!
I honored, humbled and happy. Thank you all, again.
(above: some of my BIG paintings get center stage on the lawn!)
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