Awww, shucks

My buddy Cheryl gave me an "Honest Scrap" award because she likes my studio blog.
Thanks, buddy!
An "Honest Scrap" award is basically a blog chain letter or the blog version of a MySpace “survey.” So, who am I to miss out on the fun??
check out her AWESOME blog here: Really, go here NOW:
and then, check out the other blogs she frequents. They are wonderful! I recommend them, too.
I aslo recommend this blog by my wonderful artist friend, Brandy Gale: (TAG! You're it!)
Now I have to list ten things about myself. Okay, here goes:
1. I love to cook.
2. I like to put weird colors in my hair.
3. I was married on Halloween.
4. Michael Palin of Monty Python has one of my paintings.
5. I have an Open Studio on Sept. 19 and 20th from 10am-5pm at my home studio at 6 Kenyon Rd., Hampton, CT. YOU SHOULD GO! :-)
6. I need at least ten hours of sleep a night to feel my best.
7. Fall is my favorite season.
8. I can not resist fresh, thin crust pizza.
9. I believe in karma.
10. I can recite Star Wars line for line.
Brandy, feel free to take the torch....
You can also recite "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" line by line! I should know...I've sat through it with you!
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