Sound The Bugle Studio

The studio journal of Sound the Bugle Studio, featuring the works of Helen Scanlon, Equine Artist. E-mail sales inquiries to:

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

L'il ol' me? On TV?


I got a call from a local TV producer who wants to interview me for this show:

How exciting, this looks like a really great program! My taping is on Nov. 27, I will announce the air time when I get that info.

(and I'll have to get a copy of it somehow! I've been "TV free" for almost 15 years...)

Now, DVDs, that's another story. Currently in rotation in the player:

"Extras: Season One and Two" (Ricky Gervais=FUNNY!)
"All Creatures Great and Small" (I grew up watching this series on PBS)
"SCTV" (Canadian comedy at its best)
...and any Christopher Guest mockumentary...

...and there's more...

...I just signed up for a DVD rental by mail service. Uh-oh...

On a more serious note, my thoughts are with all of those affected by the horrible Southern California wildfires. Thank goodness those winds finally died down. Sending comfort your way.


At 08 November, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll be "Tivoing" it anyhow, so you're certainly welcome to see it at my place (maybe with sushi -- and Ring Dings?)

Don't know how to transfer Tivo to tape or DVD tho.

At 12 November, 2007 , Blogger CL said...

Can I have your autograph?


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